Analysis and generalization of the results of an experimental research of the rechargeable batteries of self-guided electric torpedo СЕТ-65 (USSR) in post-guarantee terms of exploitation




torpedoes of post-warranty storage periods, silver-zinc storage batteries, gerontological changes


The object of research is the process of changing the electrical and tactical and technical characteristics of silver-zinc torpedo batteries during their post-warranty storage.

The subject of research is the technical gerontology of electrotechnical systems, namely silver-zinc storage batteries of the self-guided electric torpedo СЕТ-65 (USSR).

Available in service silver-zinc torpedo batteries are on post-warranty storage terms: from 30 years and more. The changes in their parameters that passed during this period, as well as the gerontological processes taking place in them, have been little studied. In conditions of forced operation on post-warranty storage terms, there is an urgent need to monitor their condition. Proceeding from this, the identification of regularities in the change in the electrotechnical characteristics of silver-zinc torpedo accumulator batteries from their storage times and determining the impact of these changes on the main tactical and technical characteristics of the torpedo is an important scientific and applied problem.

The model of life cycle of silver-zinc batteries is analyzed. This allows to predict the changes in the basic electrical characteristics from the time of their storage, as well as the impact of these changes on the main tactical and technical characteristics of the torpedo. The dependences of the effect of the torpedo storage period for more than 20 years on the intensity of the decrease in its speed and the range of its course are determined. It is found that these indicators deteriorate to 20 % and 17 %, respectively. Correction of the model of the life cycle of the torpedo battery is carried out. It is established that taking into account the operation of the automatic guidance system, the period of expedient operation of the torpedo battery should not exceed 16 years. Based on the gerontological changes in the power supply sources of the torpedo battery, a method for correcting torpedo firing is proposed. This will compensate for the increase in the scattering in the lateral direction and in range, as well as the increase in the angle of the calculated point of the torpedo encounter with the target. In turn, this will allow performing training and combat missions using the available torpedoes of post-warranty storage periods.

Author Biographies

Igor Biryukov, National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine, 3, Zakhysnykiv Ukrayiny sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor

Department of Arms and Special Equipment

Alexey Biryukov, Northern Kyiv Territorial Department of the National Guard of Ukraine, 38, E. Konovalets str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01133

Chief of Service of Armament

Oleksandr Shcheptsov, Institute of Naval Forces of the National University «Odessa Maritime Academy», 20, Gradodnachalnitskaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Armament, Communication and Automated Control Systems


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How to Cite

Biryukov, I., Biryukov, A., & Shcheptsov, O. (2018). Analysis and generalization of the results of an experimental research of the rechargeable batteries of self-guided electric torpedo СЕТ-65 (USSR) in post-guarantee terms of exploitation. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(42), 23–29.



Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronics: Original Research